Supplement for pregnant & lactating women
Ladymil is specially designed to cover the needs of Pregnant and Lactating women.
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Supplements During Pregnancy
Pharma Cygen (Pvt.) Ltd., is a private liability company and one of the fastest growing pharmaceutical company in Sri Lanka. We are committed to serve our people best products in the world in an affordable price range.
Nutritional supplement for pregnant and lactating women
LADYMIL® is a nutritional supplement for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Nutrition is a key factor for a healthy pregnancy and lactation. The foods the mother eats provide nutrients to her body and to the (future) baby. Some nutrients have to be increased in order to meet the additional requirements of the mother and her (future) baby. LADYMIL® has been specially formulated to cover all extra nutritional needs of pregnant and breastfeeding mothers in complement to their usual diet.
Pain & Inflammation
Skin Care
Customers Testimonials
Good Service, Product recieved within 4 dyas
Good Service!
Best Seller in SL
Sales Inquiries: 077 413 1299
No 2, Temple Road, Kalubowila,
Sri Lanka